- August 8th, 2011
- Posted in Vector Forces . Vibration . Spell . Cosmos . Medicine . Panacea . Practice
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Any illness is a nizkočastotnoe Creature, who eats a healthy Energy Beings or energy of life. They can be thought of as parasites dependent. Features that speak for themselves: There is a cure for any disease.
When low-frequency detail parasites is easy to install, What to eat and were to an organism, they can only in the low frequencies. That is, while the linear absorption of the available structures. This situation is possible if, If the body Being vibrates to the beat of parasites.
On the planets death humanoid population is often not able to control their own bodies, in addition to gross. Therefore become easy prey to parasites of non-serious vibration vibration (notable) body. Thanks to what may be eaten discreetly inside, because of naivety and insecurity. The worst part is that the Planets Population believes, that their body cannot harm any way except gross. The extensive use of local structures of the violent power.
For Example, they can destroy part of the internal organs of a single Substance, While that would consider themselves the smartest and deny the possibility of remote effects. But, If the chosen creature will ask the Government for help medical Institute in the treatment of unexplained illnesses – He will answer, that there are no deviations in the body and can drink vitamins. Because of all the seized.
Direct method of treatment for any disease is to isolate the parasites at the expense of isolation of the organism from the low-frequency vibrations, of criminal parasites. This is done very simply: enough to increase the frequency of Vibration of the body and it is not available to any parasites. For which there are a large number of meditation, methods and techniques. The vibration of the body need to lift in the back of the head or the Crown of the head – then the result will not be a long wait. To cure any disease you must rise above the low frequency and not go there either, If you omit the – do not skip the low-frequency vibration in the.
Magic method.
High-frequency Energy uplotnââs′ (with decreasing frequency of vibration) may take the form of objects or food. In that (with the proper skills) You can convince to parasites, creating illness or other hardship. Enough to prevent the body products, the disease is transmitted through. Selectivity in feeding lets you live happily.
In the case of the “To The Damn Planet” or “Planet Of Death”, most likely all linear prepodnesënnye products will contain the disease or their seeds. In this case, the correct treatment of magic methods. They are very simple: you want to exclude from the body and life of goddamn matter. This can be achieved by gross and subtle diets. Thanks to which you will be able to give your body the installation not to skip and not absorb foreign cloth for a living organism.
Retinal burn treatment.
Fairly widespread adoption, retina burn that cure is not possible. And this makes sense, After all, incurable diseases help to keep the world in fear of frustration.
But consider the method above for this example “terminal illness”. Primary path, I guess, is the first step.
If you hit your hand – most likely a bruise. And why he himself led and appeared? After all, on the conditional rules mad Princes should all be “terpilami”, and no one has the right to violate the fictional terms, even if it leads to death. For the fictional laws is, that bruise – This is the culprit. Apparently, “the legislator” not friendly with “head”. And with whom did he then befriends? (A), can be, at the time of writing “laws” She was absent?
Bruise appears because, the localized area of the body is not able to accept the changes without extra energy in the form of, and with the speed, in which it was received. This is the main reason, where there is a change in the local region of the body.
But what do, To bruise has not appeared? And can anyone help sinâku? All genius is simple and only a genius can open Genius. If energy is too much for the local area – It means you need to increase the size of the area, spreading the energy with maximal area. Bruise to grind all the accessible surface.
If blue is formed locally – do not despair. This only shows that, some volumes of blood under the skin already have shrunk, and micro-vessels clogged, clotted blood. Vessels need help. Just continue rubbing the local area with enough strong (almost painful) pressure. Blue will gradually dissolve, This is usually quite slow.
Oddly enough, but retinal ožëg – the same bruise, only the much more sensitive surface by light pressure, the sensitive nerve cells. And to heal a bruise – You must perform the above trivial actions. But, in order to “wide audience” No povydavlivala yourself eyes his fingers, account should be taken of the, that massage the eyes need no hands, and by the same eyes. That is required to rotate the eyes (only sufficiently intense and almost painful) or do special exercises for eyes. After three months or half a year ožëg delayed.
To reduce risk of burns do exercises every day and, in extreme cases, wear glasses.
If you come to the realization that as the example I described above panacea - go away any disease, including “incurable”.
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That's right, and the higher the level of awareness and development “the individual”, the more resistant it becomes to the penetration of the virus, There is such a level of, When even the penetration of the virus automatically istreblâetsâ, eaten body immunity developed in the highest degree, in terms of other bodies may also use the term immunity, but it is even more higher-order, the immunity of the body…
Well, Thanks for the endorsement. ( (
) )