СуществоThe river delights,
City power,
Space art
And the words of faithfulness,
People, pazliki, Christmas, each substance
Is a Creature.

(Victor Khlebnikov subtly suggested, I guess :) )

The Concentration Of Energies.

Let us return to our “glasses”, Spaces, Layers, Vibrations. Energy, concentrating, from the low frequency reach the Plane Plane high frequency. And Nice to be Концентрация Энергий that creature, that would be able to overcome this Let alone.

Along the way there are quite Natural Patterns:

1. Creatures, in the lowest Vibrations inherent in the World, will most. Because in the early stages of development are all, who recently joined, and all, who fell to the bottom.

2. Any creature could think only of the Vibration inherent in his Consciousness.

3. The creature begins to vibrate at a higher frequency, If the accumulated sufficient experience and the development of consciousness.

4. Creature “bursts”, If it is defective, or manipulating other.

5. The substance has reached the Naturally higher levels of consciousness development has power over the space of lower Frequencies. In other words, the point of the space, Orange Phones has the power over all Space Red phones.

6. Creature, age of seven levels of consciousness development, has power over all the spaces of the lower Frequencies, over all Bottom Threads, as well as the ability to separate the harmonic distortion from the Updraft.

7. The higher the frequency of vibration Of the smaller Creatures, to stay in these spaces. The more difficult it is to reach that: It can only highly developed Creature.

8. Creature, can be in the high frequency Vibration of the seventh Level even for not a long period of time, has the power.

9. Creature residing in lower Vibrations cannot be Substantially higher Vibrations.

10. The creature intentionally zamanivšee the more highly developed Creature in Space Bass, creating an obstacle in the path of the return Vibration – wished to leave Things, which must be performed.

11. The creature has the right to choose, If you wish to, and the right to change the selection if necessary. In accordance with the laws of the cosmos.

Существо РаспределениеIf, in the same Area are Being, Vibrating at a different Frequency – their rights are distributed according to the degree of concentration of energies: more important is the substance of, which vibrates at higher frequencies, or is inclined to the.

If one creature deliberately spoil the vibe of a different creature, in order to Steal the energies, provocation, extract private benefits – tantamount to a display of desire does not Exist. After further refinement of highly developed Substance must meet desire of desire.

If the Creatures are grouped, with the aim to lure more Highly developed being (or more) method of fraud, gimmicks, tricks with and without the use of weapons in the space (terms and conditions), to force the highly developed Beings to solve their problems any live, feeding on Energies, which flows through highly developed Creature, thus violating the natural processes occurring in all Things – such creatures are sentenced to exile (or eviction) of Things, They believe the ugly, Judging by their behavior. Im not over than be in heinous for them Spaces.

Consider a more complicated case. If you create an enclosed space or World, in which there is an attempt to establish a harmonious interaction between Creatures of different types of vibrations:

1) In the case of, If events develop in the world of living, where to sit to have the body and interact with the rest of the body through the – the weight of the right choice and has expressed will of the Creature with a higher level of consciousness development, and/or whose Consciousness Vibrates at higher frequencies.

2) If the substance, either continuously or intermittently, choose General “The Leader Of The”, giving voice – regardless of the number of votes:

(A)) “The Leader Of The” has no right to order more Advanced Substance and/or the conscience of the vibratory at higher frequencies. For the simple reasons, that “The Leader Of The” has no idea about the features present in high frequency Vibration, but can only guess or assume anything. “The Leader Of The” aspiring to power – characterizes itself as Being rather low frequency Vibration.

B) “The Leader Of The” does not have the right to specify the, who gave him his voice. As this runs counter to the very principle of elections. And if the “The Leader Of The” does not satisfy the principle of elections – It is why continue to occupy the role of the selected “The Leader Of The”, and at the same time, you must refuse to perform duties. Disagreement with the principle of elections is tantamount to seeking annulment be elected or lack thereof to participate in elections. That could indicate a change in your own solution or position “The Leader Of The” on the raskryvšihsâ after the election prospects. Namely: prior to the election “Creature” There was, the activities of the force, but becoming “The Leader Of The” It had realized their own failure and because of its inherent modesty indirectly prefer to renounce his post, denying the principle of Elections. If the same Substance has reached the leadership is not considered more with voices, Choose the Creatures – This is tantamount to denying the principle of votes or the principle of voice, refusing so to get votes on your account at the time of the vote. That just shows the position, expressed in an indirect way, in more detail which is considered above.

IN) If the creature is voting and then changed – means that this vote does not count anymore and can not complement the total votes. And the Creature changed its position is subject to the terms of paragraph b).

No creature, a higher level of consciousness, does not have to explain their own behavior so Creatures, trying to suck the information not available (because of not enough High own frequency of vibration) with weapons, tweaks, blackmail and other methods, which list is endless.

(a)) Creature, contact with another creature, Vibrating with a Frequency, has the advantage of, If the frequency of The Vibration Above. When the need has “The Voice Of The Century”.

b) Creature, contact with another creature, Vibrating at the same frequency and the same indicators, has the advantage of, If the degree of Development of his mind More. To determine the degree of development of consciousness is Being Shaken in the higher frequencies, If deemed appropriate by the.

in) Contact Creatures, Vibrating with the same frequency and the same indicators, has the advantage that, The potential of Online Identity. To determine the potential of drawing the creature Trilled at higher frequencies, If deemed appropriate by the.

g) Contact Creatures, Vibrating with the same frequency, but a different level of consciousness development, more important is the potential of Online Identity. For the definition of indicators is the creature Trilled at higher frequencies, If deemed appropriate by the. The decision situation must be predominantly peaceful. In the case of, If a creature with wide experience of intentionally puts not consistent with space constraint to the development of Creatures with less experience and/or lower frequency Vibration, having the goal get on this own benefit – such a being must be sent in “Space clinic” or terminate the need for its Existence.

g) Creature, staying in absolute Vibrations has an absolute right.

Sometimes there is this Crazy Creature, that under his own editorship releases “public rules of conduct” under the name: “Law”. At the stage of their stick to only those, who agree with them, pretend it's OK, učastvovaâ in the overall game. But after a while, When a mad Creature grabs the weapon and power, It gets rid of all, who doesn't support it “Law”. To heighten the fear and the ability to do more severely with the creature, which does not comply with the far-fetched composed “Law”, It enumerates items. The charges against their own loud voice: ” broken 35 fraction 28 item 99. The Verdict!”. And this creates the illusion that the accused Creature really is to blame. And students from “Digital bumps” long cannot come to, forcing them some time in confusion, but when the sentence has already been handed down – ago nobody will return. Such a Insane Beings laws. That's why, guys, be careful to your surrounding environment.

Just wanted to make, that insane Creatures always claim: “not knowing “Laws” no excuse”, but do not deliberately develop telepathy and leave no opportunity to do it. But how can you otherwise know “vysosannye of thumb” “Laws”, that secrecy was another creature, even more so if it is devoid of mind?

Creatures, not performing their duties, a dismissal by the highly developed Beings on grounds not matching their rank by virtue of necessity.

Creatures, that changed under itself adopted initially by the “laws”. Are atheists and suitable for, their presence in the area of Space changed the set of Canonical laws of nature in a profitable direction for it.

In that text intentionally created the numbered paragraphs, to understand it has managed to even crazy Creature. Don't think anything extra.

Flying Fire, Keep all not Existing in the smoldering ash.
Pronounced children's voices.

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