- July 2nd, 2009
- Posted in Infinite Space . God . Cosmos . Love . We . The Awakening . Факты
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People have been tested for identity of consciousness to the type of the Divine. And qualitatively, the unusually, with a lot of sincerity. In General: some surprises. Well, what more can you expect from People?
This information you missed. “The idea of creation of an SE, similar forms of life, which would be autonomous and separate evolutionary scenario on a separate planet soared in our minds long ago. On the ground we got quite by accident, If, Of course, the term "accident" here is acceptable. (In General, the word and the definition of "accident" it would be better to get rid of earthly languages due to his ideological incorrectness, but this is a separate issue). Due to technical issues and fateful (at that time,!) circumstances of our Starship crashed in your solar system, and we, having analysed the opportunities, land selestosplanirovali. It was the most suitable at the time of the planet in terms of physical and climatic conditions.
The damage was so severe, the return of our stellar system with. There was no question. We couldn't even tell about us. We stayed on the Land and founded the first settlement. After a certain, for a very long time on Earth, We found the search-and-rescue spaceship, which soon returned us to our homeland.
Since then, the idea of colonization of Land nor for a moment did not leave us. However, such questions we have no right to decide alone. We have initiated the consideration of this matter at the Higher Council of the Galaxy. Our plan meant settling land and launch on her perfect life forms with the subsequent transformation into model a demonstration (How would you say) place in the Galaxy.
The decision was approved and started the laborious work of the vast numbers of entities and civilizations. All, what you see around you is somebody's gift, someone's creation. For the sowing of land had been transferred to a specially created for her life forms, separately for sea and land, rivers and mountains, forests and Lakes, Deserts and tundra etc.. First on the ground independently developed the mineral Kingdom, then vegetable, animal. At this point, and an logoičeskaâ correction of causal matrix Logo. Millions of years nature otšlifovyvala and selected suitable and useful for future human life forms. It should be noted, the current status on your planet is the result of actions of the virus "the fall", and this has been mentioned on the sites of New Age Masters. Both were working on the design and development of a person. It was attended by representatives of many of the Galaxies.
The Creators faced the difficult task of: create equal a life form, which, developing fully autonomous, would be a source of progress and the inspiration for the creators of! Honestly admit it, somewhere deep down, we just wanted to simplify your life.
As a matter of fact, It was about creating an ideal of a galactic human. The twelve constellations of the Zodiac (Zodiac civilizations) submitted by one of the DNA. Other civilizations have also provided snippets of genetic material, in particular, genes. (About, How was the human genome, We'll show you on the following sites. NAM's). All genetic material "collected" on the previously agreed and approved by the Supreme Council of the Galaxy circuit. The result is a masterpiece of space-the perfect God-man, "Potpourri", consists of the elements of the cosmos! You should have and must now recognize the origin and evolutionary mission! You were gods, While evolutionary program failed. You possess unique abilities, some of them did not even have. You even somehow outnumbered us! One time you had activated All 24 (!) DNA (at that time you were bisexual androginom). In your brain was laid all the information Space, and in the Akasha Chronicles, you feel at home. It was the triumph of space!
You really have been a source of progress and the inspiration for the Galactic Community (the truth, not for long). From that moment you started a fierce struggle between the forces of, not only the hierarchy of the darkness.
All the creators in the euphoria of the generated, relaxed and lost the thread of the ownership situation. Honestly, The Earth and humanity just a while no one was. Began to discuss, who will be in charge of you, help, at whose expense, etc.. At that time, Black attacked and took control of the man. This is a situation, in which you now have. After the collapse of the fall have left only 2 Active DNA Helix, 3-7 % the brain and to 12% active genes. Began the process of involution. Since then, to restore the lost human Godlikeness through awareness of God, through spiritual growth and involution. You have been, as in a dream: you are not able to perceive the true reality. Now you are in the process of spiritual awakening and touch to the knowledge of the truth.
In General, you are unique and priceless! You have then, What is not and never will be our. Experience a return to Bogopodobiû after total collapse, fall. We have never experienced such involutionary collapses, developing consistently and systematically, without variation and shocks. If you are able to fly up from the mud of the involutionary lowlands to the tops of the spirit ... well we don't know, as it is to say the words. It would be fantastic (By the way, This definition is not in our vocabulary!), the Galaxy has not been anything like. We believe in you!!!
The Logo Of The Ecumenical Council (something like your Supreme Court, whose decision is final and not subject to appeal) It was decided to, that man himself must make a choice, which way to go next. The path of light or the path of darkness. In our universe is the rule of freedom of choice. If you choose the darkness, We will submit your choice, Although it will regret. It all depends on each person's Land, here and now.”
adapted from http://www.desertlion63.narod.ru/
Interesting information. In principle, the, that quoted – It's all, I was able to find on the site. No offense, just read is not my forte
And now I will explain a few things. The first conscious layer a few repels, because it is too cool to official sources. The second layer of consciousness is filled with sincere gusts. The third layer at all children's Responsiveness. i.e.. one vs two. Each layer has a deeper significance in the order of most of the previous. (order – relevant values as 1 to 10). In other words -1 against +110.
It is from the Bible:
“So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.” Genesis 1:27
Reading The Bible, You may notice some “fog”. This shows any attempts of external influence on teaching. Just noticeable attempts to take away from the Fact, by focusing the reader on the little things. Just know, that the Bible was written by the Roman Emperor, which accepted Christianity only after death. From this information it is easy to guess that, that Bible slow write, to reduce the purity of meaning in the future. And thus kill the oral dissemination of. And why it is? It's going to be born anew? So you know, that's not possible!11 Or the, that “It is not possible”- nothing more than lies? Maybe it does have strange friends?
It is also useful to
“The Holy fathers note, that God acts in a different way in the creation of the material world and even angelic, on the one hand, and the creation of man, on the other. According to the PDP. Isaac The Syrian, the angelic world was created by God in silence. The real world is called from nothingness to being creative Divine “Yes will!” And just before the creation of man God would stop.
Svŝ. The Scripture says, that human creation was preceded by a meeting of the Divine Persons:
“Let us make man in our image, after our likeness” (Genesis. 1, 26).
In Orthodox theology, the meeting of the divine Persons of the creation of man was the setting for the Council. Svt. Gregory of NYSSA wrote:
The only human at the creator of the universe proceeds with caution, that stuff ever for its composition, and image it likened to a pristine beauty, and dedicate the goal, for which it is to be”. In these words of CBT. Gregory of NYSSA are three components of the teachings of the man: the human nature, image and likeness of God in man, the appointment of a person.”
It's from the Quran:
“The mutual relationship between the Belief and practice of Islam is clearly reflected on the device itself and reveals deep philosophy of its teachings. Islam does not recognize any separation between soul and body, spirit and matter, religion and life. It takes a person in such a, What created him Lord, and understand its nature as a whole body and soul. He does not neglect the spiritual nature; otherwise, people would become like an animal. It also does not diminish his physical needs; otherwise, he would have been an Angel, what it is not, and can not be. According To Islam, the person is at the Centre of creation. It is not purely spiritual creation, because such a – Angels, It is not fully material or physical, because these creatures are pets and other unreasonable establishment. Thus, man, the establishment of such a complex nature, has parallel and concurrent needs: the spiritual and material, moral and physical. The religion of Islam can help a person and bring it closer to Allah and the religion, that takes into account all of these needs and requirements, the religion, which raises the spiritual status and orders the physical needs. Suppression of any facet of human nature, or the balance, or fascination with only one direction, It would be insulting contradiction in relation to the nature of man, the same, as irresponsible by its very nature in which God created man.”
This is the religion of scale of the universe. In General, I am happy for you and for myself Read this. Then continue.
Only due to the fact, people are people – saved the whole universe, with all Beings.
Yes, simply not conceivable and aren't likely to, and really.
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